Takeaway coffee shops – refreshment rooms – Canteens – Buffets – Beach bars

Professional Coffee Machines with Group and Grinder

Contact us in order to select together the Professional Coffee Machine which is suitable for needs and to inform you about the terms and conditions of free of charge use.

  • sofia-automatica

  • grinder

Machine QUARTZA with embodied grinder

The machine is very easy in usage , economical in power supply, produces high quality beverages and it does require special skilled personnel in order to function.

Take advantage of the capability of machine QUARTZA to sell espresso, cappuccino, espresso fredo, espresso, cappuccino etc to your customers.

You can use the professional coffee machine QUARTZA free of charge with a minimum consumption of 6 kg. coffee grain per month.

We also supply you with supplies like cups, stirrers, sugar sticks etc.

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  • QuarzaB